Insomnia and headaches are among the most common disorders in today’s modern society. Influenced by the frequencies of hi-tech, innumerable information, sounds, images and impressions, the nervous system is so irritated that all those thoughts and worries flood the mind and make it impossible for a person to relax, rest peacefully and sleep soundly. Numerous headaches are rooted in reactions to external experiences, interpersonal relationships and being overwhelmed with obligations.
With Integra-Med Cognitive Therapy it is possible to:
- cleanse the nervous system by releasing the frequencies of digital technology that overexcite the person
- abandon watching and listening to information that excite and disturb
- free oneself from other people’s problems and life circumstances
- find pleasure in silence and with ourselves, respecting our obligations to our loved ones
- embrace meditation as a daily practice after which it’s easy to fall asleep and wake up rested